Tuesday, September 16, 2014


There are always thing to remember in your life. Things for work things for your social life every day thing. I have a lot to remember every day in my life. The hardest thing for me to remember most of the time is home work. Yes I may have it every day but its still not easy to remember. With every thing going on and work being you know work. Most of the time I just want to go home and sleep. College and working is a lot harder to do and puts a lot of strain on my thinking. To remember every thing is a hard thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing how something like homework can be forgotten, then you end up either rushing it or failing to turn it in completely. I have missed a couple of assignments that I just completely forgot to do until I did not have enough time to complete them. Its sucks but you go on and try to do better on the next assignment.
