Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I have been involved with music sense the 6th grade. I was in choir then in 7th grade I joined band and choir. Although music is not just concert band or choir it is the the music you listen on the radio. I believe that the kind of music you listen to reflects who you are and how your emotions are. There is happy, sad, up beat, techno, instrumental, and even more. All different types of music for all different types of people. I think music bring people together and could also drift  them apart. There is all sorts of things you can learn from music. Some is used for healing, some is even used for therapy. Music is every where involved in everyone's lives weather they admit to it or not.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Well well well its time for class. OH wait is like 12am and I am still working on class home work. I know I know I am in college and I do not have an actual sit down class until 12pm. But really I should you know work on my stuff be for now. I would give some one advice on the classes they should take I would say if your are a big procrastinator you should definitely go for in the class room classes if not the sure try online classes. I mean kind of a lazy person and do not really want to do my classes but I do them when I can. Classes are a heck of a lot different in college than high school. Yeah I know you hear it a lot growing up classes only get harder in college. They do they really do make sure your up to date in all your classes. If your still in high school start preparing your self because college is not just a piece of cake or a walk in the park. You actually have to work for what you have. Classes will get tough but you have to be tougher.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


There are always thing to remember in your life. Things for work things for your social life every day thing. I have a lot to remember every day in my life. The hardest thing for me to remember most of the time is home work. Yes I may have it every day but its still not easy to remember. With every thing going on and work being you know work. Most of the time I just want to go home and sleep. College and working is a lot harder to do and puts a lot of strain on my thinking. To remember every thing is a hard thing to do.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


All schools are different at least that what I have been told. I grew up in camdenton missouri and I have lived there my whole life until now. I went to a private school in kindergarten and public school from first grade through high school. Now I am in college and living in springfield missouri which is a whole lot different to me. I never knew how hard college would be and it has only been three weeks. I guess it is just because I am not really in the groove of going to class at 12 or 8:30 and after I am done with that class I am done for the day. Then to go home and work on school work as well as my two online classes. College is so different and time consuming and I see why people live at home with there parents. Its not easy growing up leaning how to manage money and go to school and pay bills. College is where if you have not grown up already you defiantly will be after you are done with it.


I would have to say my credo would be live life by the golden rule. No matter how life treats you as long as you stay true that is all that matters.

blogs 9-13-14

I never really under stood blogs. They are just not for me I guess at least I do not think so. Blogs to me were always were people talked about there problems. Be for I started using my blog I did a little research about  blogs and found out that they are not just for problems they are also for useful information. People use bogs for more than just expressing their feeling they use them for expressing news, scandals, food tips etc. There also a great way to get your free writing done when you have the free time. All you have to do is open up your computer and your blog and go at it. Write what ever you want to write put it all out there because it can usually make you feel better after words. Like the article says you can clear your though process when you free wright.

Friday, September 12, 2014


You know every thing to day evolves some type of balance. Where you are balancing work and school, school and friends, work and friend, or any thing else. Balancing it is very very hard to do now a days with all the new technology. You can get detracted my your phone, internet, television all so easily. I have been working my job here in Springfield almost a month now. Sometimes I think its easy and sometimes I think I am going to go insane. Yes I only work four hours a day but those for hours fly by and that much time is just a chuck of time I could have been doing something else. Now that I am in college I try and balance work, school, and friends. Its sounds all so easier but its really all so hard. Some days I want to cry I want to break down and just go home but I know that I have to keep moving forward. I always have to remind my self that things will get better you just have to keep pushing your self and never give up. My sister always told me failure is never the option and you know what she is right if I want to move on in my life failure is not an option. The way to balance everything you got is to work through it because it can only get easier form here. You have to remember almost everyone starts from the bottom and works their way up to the top of success.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I read the article be cool to the pizza delivery dude. It made some very interesting points through out the story. As I was reading I was thinking in my head yeah yeah I know what you mean. I have only had three jobs in my life I work for my mom, For burger king, and now a call center. Now don't get me wrong I love the people I work with. I work for wonderful people and all my coworkers are so nice. Although its a great work environment  I do not want to work in a call center the rest of my life. I want to help people and interact with people face to face you know build a good relationship the people in community. Yeah I want to be a dental hygienist and looking at peoples mouths all day long but that is what interests me. People may not like going to a dentist but I would like to make it a little more interesting a more fun environment. Everyone has teeth baby teeth adult teeth false teeth. Its just they way you take care of them depends on how long your going to keep them. Back to what I wanted to say originally some jobs are not for everyone and some are temporarily. Even if they are temporarily there you have to make the best of it. Just remember be cool to your pizza delivery dude because you do not know who they might grow up to be. You never no he or she might end up being your boss one day.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Well I am suppose to blog about school related subjects, daily life activities, free writing about lots of stuff. Well I chose the topic of internet and I never really knew how much I really used/needed the internet until two days ago. I never really had internet growing up I was always at my moms office but never at my house. Now I have it at my house and it was always there to look things up and do my online homework. Well to days ago my internet went down and I just recently got it back. I have never felt so lost. Have you ever depended on something so much that when it was gone that you didn't know what to do? well if your like me someone who depends so much on the internet try going with out it for a day or two. You realize that there is more to the world than just your computer screen. Now I did how ever have a chance to actually sit down and free write. Free writing turns out to be a little fun and a little harder than it sounds. Finally getting to what I wanted my internet back on an some free writing on my blog.