Friday, September 12, 2014


You know every thing to day evolves some type of balance. Where you are balancing work and school, school and friends, work and friend, or any thing else. Balancing it is very very hard to do now a days with all the new technology. You can get detracted my your phone, internet, television all so easily. I have been working my job here in Springfield almost a month now. Sometimes I think its easy and sometimes I think I am going to go insane. Yes I only work four hours a day but those for hours fly by and that much time is just a chuck of time I could have been doing something else. Now that I am in college I try and balance work, school, and friends. Its sounds all so easier but its really all so hard. Some days I want to cry I want to break down and just go home but I know that I have to keep moving forward. I always have to remind my self that things will get better you just have to keep pushing your self and never give up. My sister always told me failure is never the option and you know what she is right if I want to move on in my life failure is not an option. The way to balance everything you got is to work through it because it can only get easier form here. You have to remember almost everyone starts from the bottom and works their way up to the top of success.


  1. Balance is important but not always easy to achieve. Your advice is interesting and will make your readers think. ~Ms. A.

  2. Its weird how we all want balance, but many of us never achieve it. We usually let one or more things run our lives, neglecting other things that are of equal or more importance. Sometimes its no big deal, but other times it can come back to bite you!
