Saturday, October 4, 2014

love/ hate

Have you ever love/ hated something. Well I have and that's writing. I love writing if when I do it on my own time and when ever I feel like it. I hate it when I have to do it for a class or it is mandatory for something. I quite enjoy writing not for homework reasons. Blogging so far as been the worst for me when it comes to writing. I am suppose to remember to blog every day.  No I do not remember and wake up in them middle of the am and think oh crap I for got to blog. Looks like another homework assignment failed. Other than that I guess the blog was okay I might have been a little easier if it was every other day but I am not the teacher and I never will be. I am just one student who's very over whelmed with life and trying not to fail college.


  1. Writing every day can be very hard. It feels like there is only so much to talk about. Writing, for me too, is great when its on my own time. Being forced to create something so often gets tiring.

  2. It was a struggle to write every day. Some time I was so mad that I had to get back out to write a 5 minute blog post since I don't have internet at home right now. Sometimes I would try to write two or three blogs if I had a good thing going that day and then post them on sequential days.

  3. Writing can be challenging. You have a great start here. Keep pushing yourself to write and be fearless in the chase for your academic goals. ~Ms. A.
